Monday, November 3, 2008

It's on for next season

Now that the team has been decided on, it's time to get to work on the fitness. So what team is it you ask? Liquid Cycling. Yes I will race with the water boys next season. The team is really shaping up nicely for next season, and even if we only hit half of the big races we are looking at I will be a happy Travis. That reminds me, I need to renew my license, and give them my new team's name. I would hate to see all those valuable point (of which there are none), go to teh wrong club.

Speaking of the old club, the year end banquet is this coming weekend. One more apperance to make, and then I will be done with the ShoAir kids for while. I know I won't be racing pro1 forever, so I will keep those contacts strong, as some day (prob sooner rather than later) I will be out there battling it out as an old man. I know I have at least 2 more season of pro1 in me, but after that I will be ready to race shorter distances and not go AS fast. That is not to say that the old men aren't really fast, but they are fast over a shorter distance, which is nice some times. At the end of the day all of those guys are good people and I would be stoked to race with them again in the future. Having said that I fully plan on drilling it a little bit harder every time I see them in a p12 event.

What else is happening? Not too much. Halloween has come and gone without too much to derail my winter time efforts, but Halloween is just the start. Next is a bday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and then the my personal hell of winter time, the trade shows. The shows themselves aren't bad, it's the timing. I am right in the middle of pushing my winter training to get ready for the start of the season, and BAM there is a two week cluster F of travel and work and time off the bike. The goal this season is to hit a peak a little later, so I won't stress on that time too much, and be ready for the built in break from the bike.

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