Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Some nights you are just on

Some nights you are on and some you are not. Last night was an on night. Which is a little surprising as I raced fairly hard in the heat on Sunday. I went in an early break that had a bunch of goons in it. They screwed up the paceline, they sprinted for preems, they surged through the gap when it was their turn to pull, then they blew themselves up. Way to go nimrods. We went back to the peleton and I continued to attack, but nothing would stick. The saddest part about last night was guiys who are strong attacking like they were a 12 year old girl. When you attack you have to go really HARD and be fully committed. Not these buttholes. Half assed attempts with no speed and no gaps. Way to go guys.
It stayed together and there was a nice fast lead out and followed by a clean sprint. I opened the sprint super early so our sprinter could get up to speed. It worked and he was able to get 2nd. The guy who won was flying, and there was no beating him. Even after all that I was able to hold some speed and get 8th. Not bad since I didn't really sprint and the other guys were going as hard as they could.
The best part about last night was that I had good legs. I can feel my form coming back around and I think I will back it off just a touch so I can be flying in the end of July and the start of August. Hopefully some other guys form falls off a bit and I can hit a peak and get a few wins.

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